Well during the Industrial Age that was a decent plan to live a comfortable life. The problem now is it's almost impossible to find a company that will stay dedicated to you for 30 years.
If a company gets a chance to move overseas to pay someone else less money they will. From a business stand point I can't knock the hustle. Major Corporations are in business to make money period.
So where does that leave you, well out in the cold of course. If you have read Robert Kiyosaki's Cashflow Quadrant then you know that there are four ways to make money.
You are either an Employee, Self-employed, Business Owner or an Investor.

Most of us was taught to be Employee's and were told to just work our way up through the company and be happy with whatever little change they pay us.
The problem with being an Employee is that you can get fired at anytime for anything.
I once worked my way all the way up to District Manager. It took me 3 years and after having 1 bad month in 4 years of working with this company they offered me a demotion. I kindly said NO WAY and Quit!
After 4 dedicated years they were so quick to harshly punish me. I learned then that no company will ever truly have the best intentions for you in their hearts.
Not to mention the biggie, I want to be wealthy and live a life of total and complete FREEDOM. 75k a year was nice but it wasn't financial freedom.
Not to mention I only had 1 more promotion I could get so my income would cap sooner or later.
If you study the wealthy you will easily see that fortunes are made by working on the right side of the quadrant.
You have to be a Business Owner or Investor to truly be Financially Free.
Time is a precious gift and if your giving it all to a company instead of your family and friends and dreams you will not know true happiness.
You are selling a piece of your life for a pay check. To own your TIME is to OWN your life.
This is what Freedom is all about. It's not just about the money. How much better would you feel about your child's safety if they did not have to go to day care.
How much stronger would your marriage be if you and your spouse could go to the gym in the morning and the park with the kids in the afternoon.

What I am describing to you is what the essence of what the Good Life gives you.
Is it easy to accomplish this, heck no! That's why there will always be more poor people then rich people.
To get this life takes sacrifice. You might have to go back to school, or pick up several books, or learn new Internet skills.
You may have to take a risk and join a MLM company like ROI Unlimited. But I promise you will have to take ACTION or the best you can hope for in life is to be comfortable.
ROI Unlimited has opened the door for people who flat out want more out of life and are not afraid to chase that DREAM.
You can make life changing money with ROI Unlimited. I am not saying it will be easy but I am saying it is POSSIBLE! Isn't that alone enough to try for the future of you and your family!
I lost everything to try to make money from home. A 3 bedroom house, Lexus RX 330, Isuzu Rodeo and a Yamaha 4 wheeler.

Ask me would I do it again.
Heck YEA!
I am now a International Currency Trader and I own several home based business models that I make money with from the comfort of my home. My income potential is unlimited.
I work when I want, go when I want, live how I want. It was all worth it! You might not be able to go all in like I did but I know you can at least work ROI Unlimited part time and in no time you could really be making more then your current job.
I don't care if your a doctor this goes for anyone. In ROI Unlimited 100k a month is very real and possible. Doctor's don't make 100k a month!
Think Bigger your Freedom Depends on it! Own your Life today and Live Free!
Jevon D. Hayter
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