So first we will explore the Cons of joining ROI Unlimited.
First the RISK!
To start a business with ROI Unlimited their is a 1-time product purchase of $250.00 if you join at the Driver board level.
So what if you join and don't make one red cent!
What have you lost: 3 tanks of gas perhaps or maybe a used Playstation 3 or XBOX 360.
Possibly $250.00 could have gotten you a pair of Jordan's and a outfit to match.
For $250.00 you could have grabbed a new cell phone or an Ipod.
So that's the RISK.
So if you join ROI Unlimited and don't make any money these are the things you may of put on hold to try and better your financial situation.
So that's the Con.
So now let's explore the Pros!
You join ROI Unlimited for $250.00 and then work with a team of people. When you move through the first board and cycle you will make $500.00.

But that's not it.
After you cycle the Driver Board you will receive a free paid entry into the Accelerator Board where you will receive a Condo Discount Card that holds great value.
On top of that when you work with your team and cycle the Accelerator Board you will earn a Cycle Commission check of $5,000.00

Then you will re-enter that board again to earn $5,000.00 over and over again until infinity.
Now you can afford a lot more then the items I listed in the Con section of this article.
I really do not need to go any further but hey why not show you all the Pros!
At this point you are well into profit so now you can take $3500.00 out of your profits and go to the Power Board where you will get our Cruise Card and you will also earn a Cycle Commission Check of

Then you will re-enter that board for FREE and earn $20,000.00 over and over again until infinity!
So now you are cycling on the 5k board and the 20k board at the same time over and over again.
I do believe it is safe to say that the Pros of joining ROI Unlimited far out weigh the Cons.
ROI Unlimited is not the business to be skeptical about. You are losing money everyday you procrastinate.
Join ROI Unlimited today not tomorrow! You really can't AFFORD not to JOIN US!
Jevon D. Hayter
ROI Unlimited Member
How many discount i can get through the Discount cards?