If you work a 9 to 5 your far from being time free and you will never be financially free.
If you work a job you are exchanging your time for a paycheck.
Your employer is leveraging his money by paying you for your time.
So your employer gets more done with less effort by paying you to do your J.O.B.! Might I add that stands for Just Over Broke.
So with that arrangement unfortunately for you your company owns the 8 hrs a day you work for them.
They tell you what time to come to work and they tell you what time you can leave. We were taught that having a good job is the American dream but that is a flat out lie!
The American dream is the ability to own your own time and your life.
The American dream is the ability to generate money by leveraging the time and efforts of others.
The Internet has made this possible for thousands of people who other wise would have been trapped in dead end jobs.
I was once there myself, working my way up through the corporate ladder.
The problem for me was the higher I went the more money I made but the less time and freedom I had.
The higher I went the more demanding the job became and the more pressure I was under.
So I quit playing the world's game and decided to do something to own my own life, time and money.
So guess what I did today?
I woke up naturally around 8:30 am. When I got up I read a few scriptures out of Proverbs about prosperity.
Then I watched Bishop Jakes, then Joyce Meyers.
After that I made myself a nice healthy breakfast.
Then I worked out! Today was upper body. When I was satisfied with my work out I grabbed a hot shower.
Then I jumped online to check on my trades from my Forex Market Investments.
Then I checked my emails to see if I had any new leads to my list to my Network Marketing company JevonInc.com.
After I checked my gmail accounts I then ran over to my PayPal account to see how many payments I received from my totally passive residual income steams.

From there I started my daily marketing strategy that yields me the traffic needed to get sales in my various Home Based Business Companies.
I did that for about 3 hours! Then it was time for my midday nap!
When I got up I called all my buddies who still work 9 to 5 to see if they could chat for a second, all of them were pretty busy today so I had to just settle for watching TV.
I ended up hooking up with my Dad and we discussed the plans for our next Master Mind team venture. We got a sure fire winner on deck right now with ROI Unlimited.
By now I am guessing you see my point.
I am a FREE MAN!
Free to live my life how ever I please. I wake up when I want, chill when I want and work when I want!
Who would not want to live like this. All that's missing is a special lady to share this with. I wish I had kids to take to school and pick up after school so we could hit the park or a movie when ever we wanted to.
Look I didn't just stumble into this situation I risked and lost all I had gained while working in Corporate America to have this life!
That was the hard way. You are blessed because all you have to do is spend $250.00 one time and join me in the ROI Unlimited Travel Business and you could be seeing checks of $5,000 over and over again within the next few months!

ROI members are making great money. In just 6 months the company has paid it's members over 5,000,000.00 in commissions.
Would you still have to trade your time for a $1,000 paycheck every two weeks if you were making $10,000 a month with us in ROI Unlimited!
I am offering you a chance to get out of the BOX!
Don't you think you deserve it!
Don't you think your KIDS deserve it!
Isn't a measly $250.00 worth the RISK!
Think about it hard and I know you will say YES!
FREEDOM is worth $250.00
"All you have to lose is everything you Want"
Jevon D. Hayter
ROI Unlimited Member
Click Below for FREEDOM
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